Los Gatos resident and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, a.k.a. Woz, confirmed Thursday to Patch that there's no broadband on Blackberry Hill Road where he lives in town.
His home on the southeast hills of Los Gatos doesn't have Internet connection, he said.
"If you can’t get broadband, you can’t get it … monopoly … unregulated … no requirement that it be available … wrong phone company, wrong city … only live one kilometer up a hill from dense housing," the Woz wrote in an email to this editor after seeking comment about the recent release of the new iPad Air.
The Woz said he's not getting the new Apple-made tablet because its storage capacity is too small, or not big enough for his media library.
The ideal storage for the new iPad Air would be "256 GB … for now," said the Woz.
The new tablet, a fifth-generation iPad, weighs one pound, is 7.5 mm thick, and has a new A7 chip processor, making it five times faster than the iPad 4. It's also integrated with the new iOS 7.
Asked if he sees tablets taking over laptop computers, the Woz answered: "Tablets have pretty much taken over for computers, but I still don’t expect computers to disappear … especially workstations and shared-family machines … for now."
And what does he think about the effects of tablets to our lifestyles in the U.S. and worldwide?
"Computer software that directly impacts our lives had much less value when restricted to computer at home … you get an impulse and want to act on it … mobile has enhanced our lives and changed them dramatically, just like cell phones did," the Woz said.
Where does he see the tablet technology in five years?
"Five years is too long to predict … smaller, faster, better, higher resolution, some changes in form factor, flexible shape, more inter-platform compatibility, better understanding of voice and verbal interaction with us," the Woz offered.